All 学生, faculty and staff can take advantage effective immediately


立即生效, 学生, faculty and staff now have free online access to The New York Times through the 主要研究 Library. The 主要研究 Library serves as the intellectual common ground of the campus community and providing access to a quality news source is critical to information literacy, 詹妮弗·卡罗尔说, 副教授,馆藏策略馆员.

“As someone who listens to The Daily podcast every morning, 主要研究’s new partnership with The New York Times opens the vault and makes amazing journalism more accessible for members of the Wildcat community,25岁的约瑟夫·斯基汉说, 联合国大学本科学生会主席. “Wordles, exclusive 播客 and cutting-edge journalism are now at the touch of your fingertips."

Online access to The New York Times includes 24/7 breaking news, 档案, 时事通讯, 播客, 多媒体, 游戏, 烹饪和更多.

请注册一个免费帐户 请访问联合国大学图书馆网站 获取分步指南. Those who are currently have a paid subscription to The New York Times will be able to cancel their paid subscription and resubscribe without losing their account information.

For additional questions or help with registering for this service, visit the library in person and talk with someone at the info desk at any of our locations, 请致电(603)862-1535或发送电子邮件至

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米 | 603-862-4465