
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

DURHAM, N.H.凯瑟琳公主正在从一场神秘的胃部手术中恢复, 母亲节发布的一张编辑不当的未来女王照片让公众质疑任何新闻, or lack of, coming from the royal palace. As speculation and rumors swirl, Nicoletta Gullace, 他是永利app新版本官网地址历史学副教授,也是皇室专家, 能否就这些最新事件发表评论?这些事件是否只是王室道路上的一个颠簸,还是英国人有理由质疑他们对王室和君主制未来的信心.

Gullace can be reached at nicoletta.gullace@605062.com.  

世界各地的主要新闻机构对这张编辑不当的照片进行了审查, and now the public, 揭示了这个“平民”对君主制的命运有多重要,” said Gullace. 查尔斯国王正在接受癌症治疗,凯瑟琳公主正在从手术中恢复, Prince William is seemingly running the monarchy alone, 没有他父亲的经验,也没有他妻子的美丽和平易近人的风度, and it looks like things are beginning to teeter bit. 英国人对发生在凯特身上的事情如此焦虑的事实也表明,一个不稳定的君主制和缺乏公众信任会在多大程度上促成一个不稳定的公众.”

Gullace, who is an expert in 20th century and modern British history, 在宣布国王查理三世被确诊患有癌症后,王室已经受到了广泛关注. The lack of details around his treatment and condition, as well as Kate’s surgery and health issue, have rumors and conspiracy theories popping up on social media, in news outlets and in public conversations.

“王室也有自己的问题,但这次不同的是,凯瑟琳公主是最受爱戴的王室成员之一,” said Gullace. “She is also active on social media which makes her more relatable, and in some sense accessible, to a wider audience around the world. 发布一张编辑得很糟糕的照片,打破了她诚实分享自己世界的信念,并可能引发人们对王室发布的任何信息的质疑.”